There must be more to life!

16 replies [Last post]
Joined: Apr 21 2007

removed due to strange phonecalls!

Mike Pulcinella
Joined: Jan 30 2007

The video keeps locking up when the young black man is speaking! It might just be my computer at work. I'll try again at home tonight. Looks fantastic up to that point!

Flame1, are you a cameraperson or editor or both? Who wrote the narration?

Joined: Nov 6 2001

Played fine on mine flame.
Just my take on it. Too many 'there must be more to life' statements and interviews.
Cut to a third of the length, I feel this would have far more impact.
By the way I am a Christian too, (or a Christine, so my Aunt with bad spelling writes) so I understand the message.

Do not follow, I may not lead. Do not lead . . . I may not follow.

Joined: Jan 9 2001

My computer froze up when I tried to stop it. .........:confused:

There's only one eF in Ferguson

I now seem to spend a lot of time arguing with inanimate objects

Joined: Apr 21 2007

Hi Mike,

Yes i film and edit, it seems to play ok here!....the narration was done by Dan Walker.

Thx for your comments Branny...yes it is too long. Wonder how many will turn off after 1st minute! will look into it.


Joined: Nov 6 2001

Shame you've had to remove this and a pity about the strange calls. It's a bugger when a small promo about Christianity generates this behaviour.
Don't give up, that was a well filmed piece with a terrific VO, that will, with a good trim, serve your Church well.

Do not follow, I may not lead. Do not lead . . . I may not follow.

Joined: Apr 21 2007

Thank you for your words of encouragement Branny. Yes it is a shame about the way some react, but i guess it is to be expected!


Joined: Jan 9 2001

What bampot has complained about a program on Christianity

There's only one eF in Ferguson

I now seem to spend a lot of time arguing with inanimate objects

Mike Pulcinella
Joined: Jan 30 2007

Removed??! I didn't get a chance to watch it last night and was hoping to catch it tonight! Prank phone calls?? Disgusting behavior! There are so many petty, frightened, small-minded people in this world. Try not to take it to heart Flame.

To the thugs who called Flame1:

Your desire to silence Flame's message only shows how scared you are of debate. For me personally, I think the bible is a flawed work of man, not the inerrant word of God, but I respect Flame's devotion to belief and skill as a videographer/editor and that's all that should matter. Suppression of expression does no one any good. There is a quotation attributed to Voltaire, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

James lundy
Joined: Dec 14 2006
Mike Pulcinella wrote:
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

I like that.

WIRED - HAVEYOUBEENWIRED.COM & also a blatant cheap promotional link. :D

Joined: Oct 9 2004

I am sorry that I did not get the chance to see the video before you had to remove it. I am shocked to hear that you were forced to remove it, what on earth did they say during these phone calls.
It seems bizarre to me that a fanatic with a grudge to bear can freely preach death, destruction and hatred without apparent censure in case their fundamental beliefs are insulted yet you have to pull a church promo video... sometimes it seems that society has entered the twilight zone.
My religious beliefs are very much in line with mikes yet I agree whole heartedly with the voltaire quote. It would seem that freedom of expression has been lost, along with freedom of speech in the UK.

Mike Pulcinella
Joined: Jan 30 2007

It's the same here in the US. There is fanaticism wherever you go.

Joined: Oct 9 2004

I suppose as a thread title in another posting here is paranoia then one could say that perhaps the governments are willing to give fanatics the freedom to air their views as it scares people and a scared population is an easily governed/controlled population. Do you think that is being overly paranoid.
I have to give the US some credit for the 'threat-o-meter' wow that was a really great way of instilling fear in to the genera population.

Mike Pulcinella
Joined: Jan 30 2007

There is no doubt in my mind that a frightened populace is an easily controlled populace. Whether that is something that officials encourage or merely take advantage of is something we "little people" will never know.

Joined: Oct 9 2004

So do you think a conspiracy theory video would be any good, oh no wait a moment it has already been done hasn't it, I wonder if Michael Moore received 'strange' phone calls.
Oh and by the way my Irish friend tells me that the 'little people' know everything!!!!:o

Mike Pulcinella
Joined: Jan 30 2007

ha ha!! I'm sure michael Morre has gotten his share of calls and letters! In fact, he just got subpoenaed by the government!

Rob James
Joined: Jun 26 2001

As an evangelical atheist I echo the Voltaire quote.

Rob The picture is only there to keep the sound in sync