Vegas Movie Studio offer

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H and M Video
Joined: Jun 5 1999

As a long time user of Adobe Premiere (since V1).when they recommended at least a 60Mz CPU and not interested in the CC version (now using CS6) I was wondering if the following offer from Vegas had any merits. You can check out the details on the above link.


PC Specialist 3Gz Dual Core, Premiere CS3, Encore CS3, After Effects CS3, Matrox RT.X2, Panasonic HD HS-300, Z1E & PMW-EX3 Cams.
Now with a PC Specialist Quad Core i7-3770, 16GB RAM, 180GB SSD, GeForce GTX560 Ti Graphics Card, Blu-Ray & DVD R/W Burners and can't wait to set it up. Now up and running.  What a difference in Blu-Ray footage.

harlequin's picture
Joined: Aug 16 2000
Re: Vegas Movie Studio offer

Haven't used VEGAS for a long time.
I realise that this is the baby version of  VEGAS PRO, but it says  ''VEGAS Movie Studio 13 Platinum - Upgrade'' , trying to work out if that is an upgrade price for people who owned previous versions , i.e. 12 and before , or just a badly named version.   <<< ''VEGAS Movie Studio 13 Platinum" is £59.99 standalone , with no free version 14 upgrade

Gary MacKenzie ( an account only used for forum messages )

Thinkserver TS140 , 750ti Graphics card  & LG 27" uws led backlight , Edius 8

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