I love Hoppipolla, It's so dramatic and perfect for weddings.
I really liked it and some of your shots were stunning with a nice use of magic bullets (I've over done it a couple of times and hate looking back at some stuff).
I'd have loved for you to move the kiss at 3.07 to just at the climax of the short crescendo just before it at 3.04. Having the kiss on the climax (that sounds a bit rude:eek: ) with a straight cut or flash cut to the hands shot would for me have worked so much better.
But I know that's a bit pedantic but it was the only thing that jarred in the entire piece, sorry:D but the rest I loved.
It had all the essential elements of great clip... sliding, gliding and even some feet.
Very nice. ;)
The things I liked:
Your grading on this clip is great. The gradients are appropriate and doesn't feel overused. I even surprisingly liked the blue light thingy (used on 0.14 & 0.12). Your shot grading at 2.30 is something a tog would kill for!
The glidecam use is a compliment to the vid rather than a main focus.
Great editing to the sigor ros track.
Things I didn't like:
The shot at 0.38 is too short for it's content. I know exactly what you wanted to achieve as it fits the music perfectly, however the content of the shot is too complex for the short duration it's onscreen (for my mind anyway).
I would have personally liked some further audio towards the end as you have set the "story" up very well at the beginning (however it's understandable if there was none available).
I felt that towards the end it started to lag a little IMHO. This may be due to more use of slo-mo, although understandable as you were clearly using the music to lead your shots.
Overall I was very impressed and enjoyed the clip a great deal.
Thank you all for your comments and constructive criticism:)
Much appreciated.
Hope you (and the misus) are keeping well,will you be at IOV the show?
Hi Z, Sorry, been away....and just got back! thx for the phone message...:)
Yes, will be there doing one of the seminars this year on 'entering the wedding industry!'
Will be good to meet up with anyone from these forums:) especially those looking to, or recently entering the wedding industry!
Then Rachel and myself will sit down and listen to you selling Sony Vegas:D
Look forward to catching up.:)