December 14, 2013 - 22:51
The last time I bought blank DVDs (about 3 years ago) the recommendation of the forum was to buy Verbatim. Are they still the ones to buy, and where do you buy them? I will probably nor buy more than 100-150.
Many thanks
December 14, 2013 - 23:21
Re: Which DVDs to buy, and where
I've bought my Verbatim DVD's from Amazon for the last couple of years with no problems, good price and good delivery.
December 15, 2013 - 09:03
Re: Which DVDs to buy, and where
For many years I've been buying Traxdata 8x from Stuff For Computers
I normally buy boxes of 600 (12x50) at a time and have found them very reliable.
The return rate is nil for those for which the tower has given a Pass, and the tower will reject maybe just one in every few hundred blanks.
December 15, 2013 - 11:32
Re: Which DVDs to buy, and where
I also have been using Traxdata white printable but from TotalBlankMedia.
December 15, 2013 - 13:18
Re: Which DVDs to buy, and where
I've had some bad experiences with Ritek on my Panasonic HD/DVD recorders, worked OK on the computer
A good price for 600 DVD's Ray, Fair dues, now how much were DVD's in the early days? or CD's for that matter
December 15, 2013 - 15:17
Re: Which DVDs to buy, and where
I've found that my tower rejects some on test but they are pretty much normally ok.
Ian @ Lynx built my tower, and I used to buy my Riteks from him before he went bust or what ever and I shifted to Verbatims.
December 15, 2013 - 23:10
Re: Which DVDs to buy, and where
Many thanks to all that replied, and so quickly!
December 16, 2013 - 09:13
Re: Which DVDs to buy, and where
DAVE M wrote:
Ian @ Lynx built my tower, and I used to buy my Riteks from him before he went bust or what ever and I shifted to Verbatims.
It was Ian Smythe who recommended Stuff For Computers when he himself stopped trading and I've used them ever since. I also get DVD cases from them, in boxes of 100.
December 16, 2013 - 09:43
Re: Which DVDs to buy, and where
Ian, a real blast from the past, he was on the cutting edge when I started, He only operated from a small office and punched well above his weight.
If you are reading this Ian, I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
December 16, 2013 - 13:40
Re: Which DVDs to buy, and where
Ian's place in Redhill, Surrey was quite near me so I visited him to pick up supplies rather than use the post. He had some rooms in a commercial building tucked away in a residential area. If I remember correctly he didn't go bust, he simply wanted to move away from retail into other work, rather as Bob C changed direction after editing Computer Video.
December 16, 2013 - 14:27
Re: Which DVDs to buy, and where
I've visited Ian once when I was in the neighbourhood , not sure if he had family then, it was upstairs as I recall, full of stuff from ADS in those days LOL
Here he speaks for himself
December 16, 2013 - 23:18
Re: Which DVDs to buy, and where
Wonder what Ian's doing now? I used to get all my DVDs from Ian too, inc the Sony DRU 500 rewriters.