Wireless Mic and PA system

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Joined: May 15 2015

Simple question really, but never come across the problem before.

My client will be speaking at an event, using a crappy PA system. Normally I would take a feed from the mixing desk but the crappy PA system and the crappy mic are not usable as an audio source.

So Using my Senn G3 and an ME2 is my next option for getting decent audio.

Will the sound from the PA and the sound picked up on my Mic clash/create feedback or generally go wrong in any way. It's an omni mic so I'm worried it will pick up her voice plus here voice amplified through the PA system.

Thanks In advance.

Joined: Nov 6 2001
Re: Wireless Mic and PA system

The sound may sound crappy through the pa speakers, but it may be ok on line out - The wireless should be ok too, so hedge your bets and use both :) 

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Joined: May 15 2015
Re: Wireless Mic and PA system

cheers branny i don't reckon i'll even get a feed from it, sounds like it's a mic n a speaker karaoke style!

was just worried about delay/echo etc

but hopefully the mic will be kind : ]

Joined: Nov 6 2001
Re: Wireless Mic and PA system

Yer radio mic will be fine then, but instead of the normal clipped on facing down (to avoid nose blow) face it up, but not too close to neck, then audio should be pretty clear without picking up PA. :)

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