Skype phone

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Jim Blacklock
Joined: Apr 29 2001

I have a Panasonic Skype phone and use a Panasonic USB adapter. I set Skype settings to "USB Adapter" so that if I receive a Skype call the phone rings using a Skype ring tone.
Lately the phone has not been ringing when I receive a Skype call. On pressing the soft key on the Skype phone it gives the message "IP Phone Error Skype is already in use ".
When I go into help on the computer it says that it is either:
1. Someone is using Skype to make a call on your computer. Wait for the call to end", or,
2. Skype may not have recognised that the previous call has ended. In this case, clear your history"

Don't think it's 1 as it's happening all the time. I've cleared history as suggested in 2 but it has not solved the problem. Anyone had any experience with this problem ?

Gavin Gration
Joined: Jul 29 1999

We have a Binatone Skype/DECT cordless phone in the office - very cheap and very cheerful.

I don't know if it's the same for Panasonic BUT recently (last week) there was a new Skype update. After the update the audio started going thro the PC soundcard instead of the Skype phone. Once we changed the AUDIO settings in Skype back the phone normal service was resumed.

tom hardwick
Joined: Apr 8 1999

I think it's time I tuned into Skype. Is there anything I should know, be wary of, avoid, embrace? As always, I turn to the DVDoctor before I put toe in the water.


Gavin Gration
Joined: Jul 29 1999

You can use a wired Skype phone (USB) for a fiver or so from Ebay - can't vouch for any of them. You can use a mic and headset for similar money. Add a webcam for video calling (Skype to Skype).

Some DECT phones have Skype but so far I've only seen USB based ones i.e. won't work over WiFi.

There are some WiFi based cordless phones but they seem expensive and the reviews not too hot.

If you get a good 3G signal from 3 UK in your house/office then one of their Skype phones is ideal. No ongoing cost, can be used as a mobile (if topped up), no need for a computer to be on.

Our children use them. I have Skype at work and a 3 UK phone in the kitchen at home. The children can call us for free without worrying about the cost.

You may find that your existing mobile phone will do Skype over WiFi. The iPod Touch does it as well but needs an external mic. Some "Smart Phones" also do video calling over Skype using a free app called Fring - it does actually work quite well on my Nokia E72.

In fact my phone (and possibly many others) would do Skype over the mobile network but T-Mobile (and others) block VOIP calling for almost all customers. 3 UK are the only company that encourage it.