Subscription Renewal - Ripoff??

3 replies [Last post]
Bill S
Joined: Aug 14 2000

Why does my subscription renewal try to charge me £40 for 12 issues while the advert in the mag. is £40 for 15 issues and on the net still only £15 for 6 issues??

Such annoyance directed at your regular subscribers is hardly the way to keep business.

Alan Francis
Joined: May 7 1999

Just received my subscription renewal notice - it included special offer 15 for 12 issues, I renewed. Read the small print on the notice...


Joined: Mar 7 1999


Please send me a copy of the renewal notice to the office.

It is sent out by our subs house and should have been as per the offer in the mag.

Bob C

Bill S
Joined: Aug 14 2000

Have done - I still renewed (at 15 copies for £40). I must admit that even at the higher price it would be good value but I always try to keep prices down.