Very late booking!

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gerry roffey
Joined: Jun 7 2001

We took a booking this afternoon (thursday) for a wedding at noon tomorrow (friday)

We've had bookings a week or less before the day before but never quite this late!!

Joined: Mar 3 2004

That must be a record Gerry, beats mine by 3 days flat.

Same As It Ever Was! :(

Joined: Sep 4 2000

I was booked last Friday for a wedding on Monday last.

To top it all they got married in the grounds of Castle Leslie. Castle Leslie is where Paul Mc Cartney got married to Heather whats her name.

It was really something different.

It was a Pagan wedding, performed by Druads !

A first for me !!!

Fabian Murphy,

gerry roffey
Joined: Jun 7 2001

Ah – since posting, I’mjust informed by my own office that we almost beat it ourselves last Saturday. We got an enquiry just before 12 noon to see if we could film a wedding at 1pm – just over an hours notice!!!

It seems that the groom had changed his mind about having a video, literally as he was getting ready, and decided to see if he could book us.

And we probably would have done it – but we only had two operators not working that day and neither were anywhere near the location.
